Saturday, January 15, 2011

Gotta Be Something More...

Wow. Talk about a hiatus! I forgot I had this! Well let's update. This last year has brought on a lot!
Well I'm still working as a Medical Assistant and loving it. I'm full-time in Urology now and at times it's stressful but I love my patients and my doctors. I've been told to cover my wrist tattoo (a fleur-de-lis for my family) while I'm at work. Well I refuse. For 1. I was hired with this tattoo and 2. No one has ever said anything to me until the new administration came along. We shall see where this goes...
Good news! I'm starting school back up this week! RN degree here I come! I can't wait. I've already started reading Psychology and getting ready for that. It's an online class which should hopefully be okay to manage with work and whatnot. I'm also taking English and Math (My two most hated subjects). The decision to go back to school was triggered by a few things.
First - I cannot go on being a Medical Assistant for the rest of my life like two of my co-workers. I do not make great money which in turn leads to a lot of financial troubles. I cannot live paycheck to paycheck anymore. It's slowly killing me.
Second - Location of living. I can no longer live in New York State. For one, friends do exist for more than a few months. Then they stop talking to you. The people here (at least my age) are drama-filled. They have nothing better to do than drink and do drugs and talk about people behind their backs. I cannot stand it. Maybe it's just me but I feel as though I'm the only one that's actually grown-up around here. I'm not the typical 22 year old. I don't like to party all the time like most of my friends. I went to a party for my friend the other night and didn't drink. I was asked literally 6 different times by like 4 people why I wasn't drinking. They look at it as a bad thing and I don't understand why. Yes, I have my stressful days/weeks of work and whatnot but I don't see a that as a reason to get "wasted" or "fucked up" every weekend. I work 5 days a week. I would much rather stay home on the weekends and relax. If that's a bad thing then so be it. I don't care what y'all think.
What would a post of mine be without talking about relationships huh? Well here it is. I have been single for well over a year. Yes, it sucks at times but there's the upsides to it too. I've had interest in a few guys here and there but nothing significant that I want to take it any further. I'd much rather focus on school and work and save my money so that I can move down south. This brings me to one boy though. We had hung out a few years ago but we stopped talking. Then repeated that pattern two other times. We never were able to figure out why that was. Well, now he's in the army and in boot camp in North Carolina. We hung out a couple times while he was on winter exodus. It was nice to hang out with him and catch up. Well, to my surprise I received a letter from him today in the mail. I lit up when I saw it. I was so excited that he actually wrote me. He told me before he had left that he really does like me and wants to be with me. He said I would be the only girl he could trust while he's away. He's such a sweetheart really but I just do not want a relationship at this point and do not think I can handle being in a relationship with someone that is that far away for months to years on end. I'm not ready for that kind of a commitment. So alas, I am single and taking life one day at a time.
Ah. I forgot! I moved into a new house because our previous residence was sold. So now I live in a nice three bedroom house with my friend Sarah from Maryland. My mom was living here but she recently moved into her boyfriend's house. She is currently still paying rent and bills with us but she's never here. I still have her dog (GRRRR) which I hate. But I'm dealing with it cause as long as she pays the bills I'm okay. But we are in need of a third roommate.

So let the search/money saving/schooling begin.
Live life to the fullest you never know when it will end.
NOLA - 2013

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