Friday, September 16, 2011

Should Have Left Before The Sun Came Up Again...

Well hello there. Long time no blog. It's been about 8 months since we've last seen each other. A LOT has happened.

The first semester of school went well. Passed all my classes! Went back down to Louisiana in May to see family and Blake :) That went very well! Blake and I connected a lot more which was great! I'll write more about him and out situation later.

Welp, I've since been home and had met another guy whose name is also Blake. Weird, I know. We hit it off really well. Hung out pretty much constantly for a month straight. He has a 4 year old son who is adorable and I love. Recently he's been acting really weird. He stopped talking to me or responding to my text messages. I did nothing to warrant that behavior from him. Tonight was the first night I saw him in about 3 weeks. It was awkward. I had borrowed a table from him for a garage sale and he had never taken it back. Well I got tired of it being in the trunk of my car so I decided I would just drive up to his house and give it back. He was there with one of his friends. I pulled in, took the table out and gave it to him. The conversation went just like this:
Him: "Bringing the table back?"
Me: "Yup"
Him: "K. Thanks."
Me: "Welcome"
Yeah that was it. Nothing more, nothing less. In a way it was nice to give it back cause now I won't have any reason to speak to him. He hurt me for no reason. I really liked him and would have stayed in NY if he had asked him. He clearly wasn't ready for that. Oh well. Hence why I do not mess around with NY boys anymore.

Okay, back to southern Blake :)
Well, after returning from Louisiana I decided to definitely move there. I figured out the best time financial wise and it looks like I'll be moving in mid January. I cannot wait. I will actually be living with Blake, which should be interesting. He offered. He has a spare room that is completely furnished so all I need to bring are my clothes. We've been keeping in touch a lot. We talk at least once a week. He is such a sweetheart. He told me he will help me with anything I need. I just can't fathom why he would do all this for me since he's only know me for kind of a year. Even though we've only hung out a handful of times. I cannot wait to be down there and see where this goes.

I'm also back to school. Only two classes this semester. Psychology- Life Span and Sociology 101. Sociology is really cool. I'm just worried about the oral presentation we have to give. I get really bad anxiety when it comes to that.

Oh! I completely forgot! I moved into an apartment of my own! No more having to clean up after people and worry about my stuff going missing. It's a great feeling. I'm in this little 2 bedroom apartment in Frankfort. It's perfect for just me and Weezy (my cat). A little lonely since it's just me but I'm getting use to it. Now all I need is heat because it's starting to get really cold here in NY. My landlord told me I had electric heat and I definitely do not. So I'll be adding another bill to my list.. UGH

Well, I'm going back to watching Stomp the Yard and drinking wine. Just waiting for my friend to get here with the good green :)

"Suddenly I'm in over my head and I can hardly breathe"