Sunday, September 6, 2009

And It Had To Happen Eventually...

So I'm in one of those moods. So I guess I'll update.
Well, things are going okay I suppose. Okay I take it back. Things ARE going well. Except for maybe one aspect of my life. Which never seems to go well. I really shouldn't get down about it but I'm a girl and it's what we do. Yes, that's right, relationships. Not even necessarily a relationship. Just having someone there that you enjoying being around. Someone that "gets" you. Someone that you turn to for anything. Someone that isn't going to let you down. Lately I've been finding these guys that seem amazing in the beginning. And then a week or so later, everything changes. We stop talking or something happens. I don't know. I feel like I'm doing something wrong and that's why we don't talk. I mean, I'm the type of girl that will do damn near anything to make someone happy. Hell, just a week or two ago, I drove an hour and half away just to see someone and hang out. That's the farthest I've driven to do that. And let me tell you, it will NOT happen again. I'm sick of being the girl that puts herself out there only to be let down repetitively. They guys seem to know how to sweet talk a girl and then shit changes as soon as you hang out with a person. I'm sick of it. I want consistency. Someone that is going to be sweet throughout a relationship or what-have-you. Now I'm not asking for Prince Charming. I just want someone to enjoy doing "the little things". You know, a text Good Morning or Goodnight. I don't ask for much. Really. It doesn't take a lot to make me happy. Just knowing you care is enough for me. I just don't understand why that seems like SO much to ask for. I really don't think it is. And now, I'm kicking myself for driving an 1.5 hours west of my town just to see someone. But again, that's me. If someone seems worth it, I will do it. And he did. But I guess I was wrong. Again. I really don't know what goes wrong. I guess I'll just have to wait this one out. Stop looking. Enjoy my times with friends and that's it.

End rant.
I apologize to anyone that just read that.
Actually. No. I'm not gonna. I posted it. You didn't have to read it if you didn't want to. So, enjoy.

:) Nothing In The World Is Accomplished Without Passion -HM

1 comment:

  1. Seriously, don't ever think it's something you're doing. People are douchebags. Guys and girls alike. You are really awesome and you're a great girlfriend. The right guy just hasn't come along yet. He will come along and sweep you off of your feet. Promise.
